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Driving change and building stronger communities

Driving change and building stronger communities

How MPP Kevin Holland is making a difference in Northwestern Ontario.
FNHPA programs, tools and resources

FNHPA programs, tools and resources

The First Nations Housing Professionals Association is dedicated to enhancing housing management capacity for First Nations organizations.
Overcoming math anxiety

Overcoming math anxiety

Math anxiety refers to the fear, worry, or anxiety that appears when faced with math-related problems. Many people describe that their mind “goes blank” when they see numbers.
How to get unstuck

How to get unstuck

Being stuck can look differently depending on the person and circumstances, but in a general sense, it reflects a situation when the benefits a job, strategy, decision, or action no longer helps you.
FNHPA offers housing and wellness program

FNHPA offers housing and wellness program

The Housing and Wellness Program is a program that was designed to provide tools and resources related to well-being to support any First Nations individuals living on-reserve or working in a housing position.
Strategies for reducing conflict between siblings

Strategies for reducing conflict between siblings

Does it ever feel like you can’t turn your back for a second without your children fighting with each other? Whether it be yelling and screaming or even kicking and punching, maintaining harmony within the family can be an immense challenge for parents.
How to build executive function skills

How to build executive function skills

Executive function is a set of mental skills that allow us to manage and control our behaviour, emotions, and thinking. It is the management system of the brain.
Keeper of My Home program teaches youth about housing

Keeper of My Home program teaches youth about housing

To help teach children and youth about how housing can help improve economic and social conditions, the First Nations Housing Professionals Association has put together Keeper of My Home, a free resource that teaches students about caring for their home and housing health and safety.
How to start a new habit and make it stick

How to start a new habit and make it stick

It’s that time of year where you often hear the phrase, “new year, new me.” But have you ever set a new year’s resolution and then struggled to keep it through the year? If so, you’re not alone.
First Nations Market Housing Fund: Providing pathways to homeownership

First Nations Market Housing Fund: Providing pathways to homeownership

Homeownership is not just about a house; it's about empowerment and reshaping the future – and we have the tools and know-how to make it happen.
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